FireCraft Safety Products: The FLAME Structural Glove

Type: Gloves

The Flame®

NFPA certified structural firefighting gloves will give you longer wear, protection, fit and the superior dexterity you need for the toughest, most dangerous jobs. All FireCraft® Gloves come with a Lifetime Warranty on Workmanship and Materials.

Several years ago, it became apparent that the fire service would be washing gear more often in the pursuit of cancer mitigation. What was needed was a glove that would not dry out, stiffen or shrink after repeated wash/dry cycles. It was time for an all-fabric glove. In addition, this glove has an easy-to-use Velcro strap, resulting in a snug fit for greater comfort and dexterity and is PFAS FREE.

FireCraft developed a proprietary process that coats Kevlar® with a special silicone that provides a firm, secure grip wet or dry.

Very dexterous glove

Can withstand longer exposure to heat, both conductive and radiant.

Uses Kevlar® and Nomex® materials to offer high levels of puncture and cut protection. 

Patent pending status

Lifetime guarantee on the moisture barrier and on the integrity of the liner against inversion.

The Flame® glove is made entirely of aramid and carbon based materials.